The Right Laboratory Incubator Makes All the Difference

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Boekel Scientific has been a world leader in laboratory equipment since 1868. OEM manufacturers of blood banking equipment, platelet incubators and shakers.

The pressing needs of mankind have biomedical and other researchers working more urgently than ever before on projects of enormous consequence. As a result, their need for optimal performance from a laboratory incubator becomes more serious each year. Medical equipment designers and manufacturers are going out of their way to increase the capabilities of products on the market today – and it means a vast increase in the choices you have. Because you’ll be using an incubator for specific needs, it’s wise to find out about which ones provide what you need. Well-functioning equipment supports breakthroughs.


Common uses for incubators include cell cultures, pharmaceutical compound studies, biochemical and hematological projects, and analysis of food products. Depending on the work to be done, different kinds of incubators may be more appropriate for each purpose. It’s also wise to think through other features such as glass doors and decide which ones are important. The right incubator can support your work and make it more accurate and efficient. If you need to look in on items in the incubator without opening the door, you won’t do well with a metal-front model. Wise advance thought saves time later.


The most elemental decision you’ll make when selecting an incubator is its size. While some of the decision is dictated by the space you have available, consider both short and long-term (or potential long-term) needs when deciding. Compact benchtop models provide an element of convenience because they keep things close at hand. But if your research is likely to increase in size and scope, you may be better off going for a larger unit. The same goes for options such as glass door versus solid front. Depending on what you’ll be working on a simple feature like a glass door can be much more efficient.

