The Benefits Of Real Estate Video Listings When Selling

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Video listings have become so popular that they are the industry standard. What are the benefits of real estate video listings for you, the seller?

When you are looking to buy your next home, the only thing that comes close to an in-person visit is a video listing. There are hard facts to support this preference among those looking to buy or even rent. Research shows that real estate listings with videos attract inquiries four times as much as their video-less counterparts. It also shows that 85% of buyers and sellers prefer to work with an agent who utilizes real estate videos to market their listings. Video listings have many benefits to you as a seller, as this article will highlight.

Benefits of using video listings to market property

Captures the essence of a house

Most people prefer to visit a property(apartment) before signing in the dotted line. However, if you deliver a good apartment video listing with a tour, your customers can get a sense of the apartment. It shows prospective clients the size of the rooms and how those rooms connect. Agents who have video-less listings deny their clients this necessary experience.

Captures the attention of clients

As much as real estate listings can be infographics, images, and slides, nothing beats video. It fully engages your prospective client due to its immersive nature. With properly curated audio and visual content, you can generate enough leads and sales as you will have customers' undivided attention. As you make your video listing, do not forget the end goal is to sell more property, so remember to put a call to action in your videos.

Enables you to track your customer engagement and optimize your content

If you make your video and incorporate some nifty digital tools, you can get click-through rates, views per person and track the exact moment clients stopped watching the video. This feedback enables you to keep tabs on the efficiency of your video listings and tweak your content for better audience engagement.

Better engagement with customers

Research shows that clients tend to buy or rent products, properties and even apartments that spark their emotions. They decide what to get based on their emotions and try to justify it with hard facts. Apartment videos are the perfect opportunities for this type of engagement. Armed with this knowledge, you can fine-tune your visuals and voice-overs for maximum effect.

Broader reach of content

When you make captivating video listings, people are more likely to share them with their friends and family. These referrals give you a broader customer pool at no extra cost. As the internet continues to gain more users, video is among the prime forms of media consumed, so if you put your video listings online, the sky is the limit. Remember to make your videos as captivating as possible so they can rank high on search engines.

Used as brand identity

Videos give you a wider reach compared to video-less listings. If you are consistent in using your brand name, logo, fonts, and so on, you can build a familiar brand image for your potential clients. Customers lean towards the familiar when they need something giving you an edge over an agent with no consistent brand image.
