What Are the Complications We Can Face After a Bone Marrow Transplant?

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A bone marrow transplant,a.k.a. stem cell transplant, is a surgery that inoculates healthy hematopoietic stem cells into the body. This is performed to replace the infected bone marrow.

A bone marrow transplant,a.k.a. stem cell transplant, is a surgery that inoculates healthy hematopoietic stem cells into the body. This is performed to replace the infected bone marrow.Bone marrow transplants utilize either the cells from one’s own body, termed asautologous transplant, or from a donor, known as an allogeneic transplant. 
Complications after a BoneMarrow Surgery
The complications after a bone marrow surgery differ according to the disease, age, general health condition of the patient, immunity, and furthermore. Some mayencounter minimal complications, while for others, it may be intense andlife-threatening when it comes to bone marrow transplants. Potential complications of bone marrow transplant are:
● Graft-versus-host disease is a condition when the donor stem cells react to the recipient cells and attack them as a foreign body.  
● Stem cell failure- It occurs when the body does not accept the new stem cells.
● Interstitial pneumonitis and other lung problems due to radiation or graft versus host disease.   
● Profuse bleeding due to failure of cells to synthesize platelets.
● Hormonal imbalance.  
● Abnormal growth of lymph tissues.
● Infections – Immediately after the transplant, there is a scarcity of white blood cells, which are part of the defensive system.  
● Relapse - In certain cases, cancer may recur. If a relapse occurs, the treatment options are limited.  
● Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder-PTLD is an abnormal growth of lymph cells. It is a type of lymphoma that results from post allogeneic stem cell transplant.  
● Hepaticveno-occlusive disease- Hepatic Veno-occlusive disease (VOD) is a severe complication where the minute veins and arteries of the liver are blocked. Itis encountered in allogeneic stem implants. It results from the conditioningdrug before the transplant from the best bone marrow transplant in India.
A Bone one marrow transplant is the treatment of choice for certain life-threatening disorders. However, it poses numerous complications that cannot be ruled out. A doctor with ample expertise may guide you with necessary precautions to alleviate the risks of a bone marrow transplant.