Kick Off SD Exercise Bike As Such

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Before you actually start grinding, make sure that you have adjusted your SD Exercise Bike properly, which does include adjusting the resistance and all the other elements of the spin bike.

First of all, find a resistance which allows you to work at the suggested rate of the RPE o

Before you actually start grinding, make sure that you have adjusted your SD Exercise Bike properly, which does include adjusting the resistance and all the other elements of the spin bike.

First of all, find a resistance which allows you to work at the suggested rate of the RPE on a scale of 1 to 10. BY RPE, we mean how hard it feels to work at a certain level of resistance which you have chosen and if it feels hard, we recommend going back on the resistance and speed so that you don’t hurt your muscles in the process. And if that’s too easy, increase the resistance.

Now the other thing which we find worth mentioning is that your legs might actually get tired if you are not used to the bike. It happens and is actually bound to happen. To build your endurance, it takes some time, so we recommend going long and not giving up. Add a little more time to each workout and make it worthwhile. However, don’t forget to stop when you are really tired.

Make sure you follow the same workout for about three times a week with, say a day of rest between them. Each day, progress your workout by adding a few minutes to the same until you are up to 30 minutes. Also, stretch your lower body after the workout.

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