Property Division Laws In California Divorces

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Many clients have come to Attorney Fizer for legal services because they know they can count on her to give the most sincere, confidential and professional representation.

If a spouse cannot agree on how to split their jointly owned property, the property division issue is brought before the court. Divorce and property division rules differ based on where you reside. Property division in California is decided by the court on the basis of equitable distribution.


In legal terminology, "property" refers to anything possessed jointly in a marriage, including, but not limited to, houses, automobiles, land, material goods, assets, incomes, and debts. If you your spouse are unable to agree on the partition of your property, you should obtain legal counsel from an experienced Property Division Lawyer.


Equitable Property Division - During a divorce, whatever property that a couple jointly owns is subject to equitable distribution. Almost all property in most divorces is jointly held, with the exception of clearly separate accounts owned by one spouse solely. 


Equitable distribution of jointly-held property denotes a fair division of the property. It does not necessarily imply that the property has been split evenly. Differences in wage wages between spouses, for example, may influence how the property is distributed by the court.


Keeping Deception at Bay During a Divorce - With all of the emotional baggage that divorce typically carries, sorting through all of the legal facts of a divorce may be challenging. It might be extremely difficult to recall every item of property that you your spouse own. 


Making a spreadsheet of the jointly-held property separated by category is a smart method to keep track of everything you own. An expert Long Beach Property Division Lawyer can assist you in recalling and listing all of the property you jointly possess in order to guarantee that you receive all of the property you are entitled to, including assets and earnings.


Although it is unlawful to withhold property after a divorce in order to avoid fair distribution, efforts by one spouse to mislead another are not uncommon. Skilled Property Division Lawyers who are familiar with key tax and business law specifics may sit down with you and assist you in sorting through any relevant papers to aid your case. Solid legal knowledge may be immensely beneficial while navigating the complicated property partition procedure.


Family disagreements may be distressing and frightening. Nonetheless, it is prudent and advantageous to get the best legal assistance before proceeding with an order modification, divorce, or any other important legal matter. Contact Fizer Law, the finest Divorce Attorney Long Beach, at 1~562-270-9944

