Advantages and Disadvantages of Testing

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A broad definition of educational writing is any writing done to satisfy a requirement of a university or university. Academic writing is additionally used for publications that are read by teacher and researchers or presented at conferences. Here may be a list of documents where academic

Compared to other forms of knowledge control, testing has its advantages and disadvantages.


Testing is a better and more objective way of assessment, its objectivity is achieved by standardizing the procedure, checking the quality indicators of tasks and tests as a whole.

Testing is a fairer method,it puts all students on an equal footing,Academic Writing Services in UK both in the monitoring process and in the assessment process, practically eliminating the subjectivity of the teacher. According to the English Association NEAB, which is engaged in the final certification of students in the UK, testing can reduce the number of appeals by more than three times, make the assessment procedure the same for all students,

Testing is a softer tool, they put all students on an equal footing, using a single procedure and uniform assessment criteria, which leads to a decrease in pre-exam nervous tension.


Developing quality test tools is a lengthy, laborious, and expensive process.

The data obtained by the teacher as a result of testing, although it includes information about gaps in knowledge in specific sections, does not allow judging the reasons for these gaps.

The test does not allow you to test and evaluate high, productive levels of knowledge associated with creativity, that is, probabilistic, abstract and methodological knowledge.

The breadth of coverage of topics in testing has a downside. A student in a test, in contrast to an oral or written exam, does not have enough time for any in-depth analysis of the topic.

Ensuring the objectivity and fairness of the test requires special measures to ensure the confidentiality of the test items. When re-applying the test, it is desirable to make changes to the tasks.

There is an element of randomness in testing. For example, a student who does not answer a simple question may give the correct answer to a more complex one. The reason for this can be either an accidental mistake in the first question, or guessing the answer in the second. This distorts the test results and leads to the need to take into account the probabilistic component in their analysis.

It was the last of the above shortcomings that prompted a little research. I wondered what the average score a student could get by answering the test questions at random. A group of students were offered ten tests on various topics, which differed in the number of questions, interface and method of implementation. Since it was the probabilistic component of the test that was investigated, the students answered without thinking about the essence of the question.

 Research results.

Most values ​​range from 20% to 40%. Thus, a student who answers at random can only count on a three at best. Of course, chance cannot be ruled out, but it is not decisive.Alas, the element of chance and intuition is inevitable,the test designer must anticipate such a situation.essay writing service UK To minimize the chance of guessing correctly, use the following tips. So, if the test taker does not know the real correct answer, in his choice he will act as follows:prefer more detailed, more substantiated answers that take into account special cases, and avoid short, less detailed ones. The knowledge test designer can take advantage of this and keep the correct answer short;choose more scientific answers containing little-known or foreign words;choose answers that resemble in writing style something very familiar, associated with a known part of the subject area.The ambiguous attitude of teachers to the use of test control is known. How do students feel about tests? To answer this question, I offered students from grades 6 to 11 a small questionnaire:

 Usually I answer the test questions in a meaningful way, not counting on luck.

 If I could (could) choose between answering the test questions and doing written work with a detailed answer, then I would prefer (prefer) the test. I believe that the mark for the test objectively assesses my knowledge of the topic (in case of a negative answer, explain whether this mark is overestimated or underestimated, in your opinion).

The results were predictable. Assignment writing service The majority (94.28%) would prefer the test to written work or oral detailed answer. Perhaps this confirms one of the fears expressed by some researchers that, with selective answers, the student gets used to working with ready-made formulations and is unable to express the acquired knowledge in literate language.

As for the objectivity of the assessment, opinions were divided here. 68.75% of survey participants agreed that they receive an objective, valid assessment of their knowledge when answering the test. Among those disagreeing with this opinion, 12.5% ​​believe that the test overestimates, 18.75% underestimates

