UX for E-Commerce Design

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UX design plays a vital role to improve the shopping experience on your E-commerce store. Creative UX design for your ecommerce website on desktop and mobile devices can convert your users/customers into buyers.

Understanding the Significance of Good UX in eCommerce

With the proliferation of new technologies, e-commerce businesses have transformed the future of online retail. According to a report, e-commerce market in the country will touch $84 billion in 2021 from $24 billion in 2017. Using an e-commerce app or a website to order products online is so common these days. E-commerce brands are now as popular as traditional brick and mortar stores.

While building an online marketplace, technology implementation is an essential challenge. But how do you understand your customers and how you help them shop the way they want is more important. Customer experience is something that makes or breaks an ecommerce business. It is usually a takes a good amount of time for an ecommerce provider to establish itself in the market. As you need to attract a new customer base and find high-quality providers to build the right supply and demand cycle.

What are the UX issues?

Do you know 70 percent of customers that visit an ecommerce site leave without even buying anything? Due to a lengthy and complicated checkout process or other reasons such as unclear pricing or insufficient payment methods, customers may simply choose not to buy from you. As a result, e-commerce businesses never know why they lost money or why they could not convert possible leads into consistent sales. The answer is simple – bad UX.

It is important to build a unique experience for your e-commerce customers, and find the right channels to make their interaction as easy and simple as possible. It is true that good UX is a lot of work – you need to do user research, user testing, persona development, wireframing, usability testing, etc. But, with more focus on user experience, it is possible to retain customers, expand your business, and boost growing sales.

As per a study done by Baymard Institute, businesses could collectively recover around $260B in e-commerce sales just through checkout optimizations. It has to be a concern for ecommerce designers to see customers abandon their shopping experience like this. Every abandoned cart is an opportunity lost. Excessive promotions, unwanted sing ups and bad user flow are some other reasons that influence customer behavior in a negative way. UX issues have to be solved to help a business maximize their potential to reach their target audience.

Better UX leads to increase in ROI

Some of the best business decisions are taken when you have a clear perspective about what your customers want and how to help them achieve their goals effortlessly. In an ecommerce business, good design is a crucial component to the overall success of the business. It’s only when your customers are satisfied with your products, you’ll be able to find repeatable business and increase your revenue streams. Many companies have experienced an improved online presence to be beneficial to their business.

In today’s competitive market, ecommerce businesses cannot afford to lose their customers in anyway. It’s takes a customer 10-20 seconds to decide whether to stay on the website or to look somewhere else. UX design ensures that your customers find what they are looking for and helps you to increase conversion rates to grow overall sales. Statistics have shown that UX research and design can return a higher ROI than the money saved by skipping the step altogether. Companies such as Amazon have spent 100 times more on customer experience than advertising.

Brings Customer Loyalty

According to Marketing Metrics, the probability of selling to an existing customer is 60 – 70%. The probability of selling to a new prospect is 5-20%. Ecommerce businesses should offer consistent value to their customers to motivate them to keep coming back to their website. It’s an easy couple of steps to do business with an existing customer. The UX is designed is such a way that customers know the way the website works, have recommendations and payment methods saved, and exploration of new products and services become fun and easy. It is rewarding for a business in the sense you can increase the visibility of your site, customize products to meet users’ unique requirements and keep data to use in market evaluation purposes.

Ecommerce businesses should place a particular emphasis on making shopping experiences user-friendly and comfortable rather than overwhelming or confusing shoppers. Creating a good UX is a timely step to revamp your business, and make customer loyalty and brand awareness possible. In the present digital era, this is what your customers want from you and giving them the best user experiences should be your primary goal.
