Tidy Up Your Kitchen With Marie Kondo

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Have you heard of Marie Kondo and her KonMari decluttering method? Her name has become possibly one of the most mentioned on the internet these days since her book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, received top The best reviews TheKingLive.com from critics.

Have you heard of Marie Kondo and her KonMari decluttering method? Her name has become possibly one of the most mentioned on the internet these days since her book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, received top The best reviews TheKingLive.com from critics.

✽ Since the start of the minimalism trend, she has been an inspiration for everyone who wants to simplify and tidy up their lives. Her KonMari decluttering method tackles cleaning and organizing different things around your house with the focus on what to keep and what sparks joy. This method works wonderfully when you have too many pots and pans, vintage dishes, and your teenaged children’s first spoons that you find it hard to separate with. Here are 4 simple tips and tricks from the KonMari method to help you tidy up your kitchen.


Take Everything Out

✽ Remove all of your kitchen items from the cabinets, off the shelf, or out of boxes. Place items with similar purposes together in the same groups, such as cookware, dishes and bowls, cutlery, etc., in order to count and sort them more easily. Make sure you get all those kitchen items that have wandered off to other rooms in the house!

Assess Each Item

✽ Take into account the condition and the number of each item. Is this pot handle broken beyond repair? Will the chip in this ceramic plate bother you? Do you have 30 plates for a family of two? After considering the condition of each item and how many duplicates of each you have, decisions can be made for what to keep and what to toss.

✽ The method seems easy, but for some, it is difficult to make the final decision. As the KonMari method suggests, hold every item in your hands and ask yourself, “Does this spark joy?” Start with something you feel strongly about, whether it is a strong like or dislike. For items you are hesitant to throw away, set them aside, and give yourself a deadline. If you do not use it after a certain amount of time, thank the item to show your appreciation, and let it go.

Clean The Space

Since you’ve already taken every item out by this point, this is a great chance to clean up the container space and start afresh! Vacuum or sweep them out and wipe your cabinets, shelves, and boxes once they are empty. Allow them to dry completely before starting your organizing.

Use Vertical Storage 


✽ One of Marie Kondo’s tips is to store items vertically. This method not only saves space, but it also allows you to see every item clearly. Storing vertically works best with sheet pans, trays, cutting boards, and serving platters. You won’t have to sort through a stack of them to get to something at the very bottom.

✽ Another tip is using shelf risers for smaller kitchen spaces. These organizers allow you to stack up your cups and bowls and pots and pans without compromising accessibility.


✽ Having the Top product reviews TheKingLive might help make the task of cooking easier, but a well-organized kitchen will definitely make cooking more enjoyable. It also helps to take inventory of what you already have so you won’t buy any duplicates. Instantly, you’ll feel more inspired and energized to cook the best meals for your family! To read more about the KonMari method, find her book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, on Amazon Prime.

Source: https://www.frozen-layer.com/foro/user/233808-monicastone/

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