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Nike and Virgil Abloh have one of the strongest partnerships Fake AFake Air Jordan Retroir Jordan Retro in sneakers, there’s no denying it. Though the partnership is only five years old, the effect it has had on the industry is profound. When Abloh launched his “Figures of Speech” exhibition back in 2019, the world was treated to a number of samples from the Off-White™ x Nike line. One that caught the attention of many was the Air Jordan 4 which, fortunately for sneakerheads, dropped in 2020.Virgil’s luxurious take on this 1989 classic was unveiled at the Off-White™ Women’s Paris Fashion Week show, much to the delight of almost every sneakerhead on the planet. Featuring a “Sail” colour scheme, the shoe uses leather and nylon to create a luxurious take on this iconic Jordan model. Translucent detailing on the ankle straps and heel create a window into the design, whilst the usual Off-White™ features come as standard.Originally thought to be just for women, the Off-White™ x Air Jordan 4 dropped in men’s sizes too,  Fake Jordan Fake Jordan 44 selling out almost instantly.When Virgil Abloh took over from Kim Jones as creative director of Louis Vuitton, the fashion world was surprised. Although Abloh had proven his ability within the streetwear market, running one of the most iconic brands on the planet was very different. It didn’t take Abloh long to put his stamp on the French fashion house, updating its traditional style with a luxurious take on streetwear. For his inaugural show in 2018, Virgil Abloh debuted the Louis Vuitton 408 Trainer.A premium version of vintage basketball sneakers, the LV 408 quickly became a talking point in the sneaker community. Each shoe is handmade in Italy from 106 different pieces, meaning it takes around six hours to make each shoe. Referencing his youth, Abloh wanted to put his stamp on Louis Vuitton in a way that no other creative director had done before. Putting new life into a company with so much heritage was tough, yet Virgil did it in a way no other designer had done before.Whilst it may just be another Louis Vuitton trainer, the historic appointment of Abloh and the shift in fashion it represents is undeniable. As the first person of African descent to lead the brand, Abloh’s Louis Vuitton reign marks a seismic change in the fashion industry.
