How To Craft The Topaz Gypsum Attunement Potion In New World

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Topaz Gypsum Attunement Potion: This potion attunes you to Topaz Gypsum and enables you to find it on monsters level 55 and higher. Lasts for 60.0 minutes.

In order to improve endgame content, the developers of New World have added a new resource to the game - Gypsum - which is used to create better weapons and gear.

One of these types of Gypsum - Topaz Gypsum - When consumed, the potion allows players to obtain drops of Topaz Gypsum from level 55+ enemy mobs. However, the Topaz Gypsum Attunement Potion isn't made through Arcana crafting like other potions. So how do you get it?

The Topaz Gypsum Attunement Potion can only be crafted once every 20 hours and lasts 60 minutes after consumption. However, you cannot make this potion at an Arcana station. Instead, you'll need to make it in a Tier 5 camp when out in the wilds. Luckily, there's no prerequisite to creating the potion, such as finding a recipe - when you go to your Camp's crafting menu, it'll appear at the bottom of the list.


- 1 Earthshell Tail
- 1 Salamander Slime
- 1 Lightning Beetle
- 1 Spinefish Fins
- 1 Lifemoth Eyes
- 1 Soulwyrm Tongue
- 1 Blightmoth Dust

All of these epic-quality resources are found in the wilds but are quite rare and usually nodes are contested. If you don't want to find them yourself, you can use coins to buy them at Trading Post. The premise is that you have a lot of gold coins. If you don't have too many, we recommend buying cheap new world coins from And 100% safe.

So now you can start Craft The Topaz Gypsum Attunement Potion in New World. When you are approaching maximum expertise across all item slots, players will need to do less and less gypsum generating activities per day. For more New World guides, please browse here.
