Will Flutter Continue To Grow In 2022 And Ahead?

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Flutter also outperforms native apps in terms of performance. Flutter makes use of Dart to assist developers in creating a fantastic user experience.

The codebases of iOS and Android are nearly identical, with similar user interface views and user experiences. It was for this reason that Google developed Future of Flutter, one of the best cross-platform app development frameworks available today.

You're probably aware of this fantastic framework. It's none other than the internationally renowned Flutter. One of the best things about Flutter is that it can be learned by anyone with a basic understanding of programming. That's because of the Dart programming language, which is built to run quickly on any platform.

Flutter is presently expanding at a constant and strong rate. Because the majority of developers have switched from single-platform to cross-platform app development frameworks, this is the case.

It made Flutter a powerful competitor for other SDKs/frameworks around the world, and it gave cross-platform mobile app development technology a new lease on life. Flutter now has a strong presence in the international market as a result of this move. The fact that Flutter is an open-source SDK is another plus.

Everyone seems to be talking about apps that use these technologies or comparing Flutter to React Native (one of the strongest competitors of Flutter). It's easy to figure out because they're both a little "out there" for most software developers.

Flutter is the future of cross-platform app development, according to us.

So, let's go right to the point. The following are some of the reasons why we believe Flutter is the future of cross-platform app development:

  1. Rapid Cross-platform App Development
  2. Seamless Firebase Integration and 2D Flare
  3. Countless Open-source Packages
  4. Single Code-base
  5. Personalized Widgets
  6. Easy to Adapt
  7. Best Choice for MVP

Because Flutter comes with Hot Reload, apps created with it are now known for having minimum coding. This functionality is very useful for developers who are busy resolving bugs or experimenting with new designs. Flutter is a fantastic tool that allows you to make changes to your website in real-time.

Flutter also outperforms native apps in terms of performance. Flutter makes use of Dart to assist developers in creating a fantastic user experience.

Working with Android and iOS platforms is a breeze using Flutter. Because of the one-time coding function, you won't have to keep track of two different files for the same outcome. In other words, write and compile a single piece of code and use it to quickly construct high-performance apps for both iOS and Android.

How Flutter is going to grow in Mobile App Development?

According to our experts, Flutter will continue to grow in 2022 and ahead. You can anticipate the following modifications in Flutter in the upcoming days. Take a look:

  • Dart, Google's programming language, will get null safety features. This suggests that any file systems and packages within Flutter will be entirely safe to migrate.

  • Flutter will leverage improved ergonomics to boost its performance on both Android and iOS platforms.

  • For Linux, Windows, and max-OS, developers can anticipate production-quality support.

  • You may also anticipate the entire Flutter framework to perform well in terms of memory utilization, storage, runtime performance, and so on.


To summarize, developing apps with Flutter can greatly help your business, as Flutter is quick, efficient, and adaptable. It's exactly what the mobile app development industry needs right now. Choosing Flutter will not be in vain, in our opinion, and is a particularly viable option. If you have a limited budget yet require high-quality products, Flutter introduces you to a diverse and vast choice of options.

We've done the same thing with Flutter at Ongraph to assist you to achieve app development success and deliver exceptional results. What's keeping you from using Flutter yet? Please let us know if you have any questions about Flutter app development.
