As they may be needed in the event of an insurance claim, or if you sell your work, make sure you keep copies of the condition reports. whatloan what loan Website
sell the artwork at a later date. Artwork Archive allows collectors to keep all their data along with the art.
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How to add metadata to your images
Metadata for images can be used to help to prevent digital images of your original artwork from being incorrectly presented. Metadata can be used to enhance images more.
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Metadata is simply data about metadata. Metadata incorporates data in digital images, such as copyright notices.
Information about the author, including date, location, and descriptions.
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These information can be incorporated in archival images created by professional registrars and collections managers in accordance with best practices.
It's a simple procedure that will improve your data's security, as well as your intellectual property -- and is an essential part of cataloguing your art
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Artwork Archive appreciates the importance metadata. Artwork Archive preserves the metadata of the images that are uploaded to it.