My Ideal Job

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My ideal job would be to work as a customer service manager for a well-known multinational corporation, such as Coca-Cola or McDonald's. A customer service manager is someone who ensures that a company's customers are satisfied with its services. Such a manager plays a variety



My ideal job would be to work as a customer service manager for a well-known multinational corporation, such as Coca-Cola or McDonald's. A customer service manager is someone who ensures that a company's customers are satisfied with its services. Such a manager plays a variety of critical roles in ensuring an organization's growth, profitability, and overall success ("Customer service manager: Job description", 2013).







A customer service manager can achieve all important organizational goals if he or she introduces and implements a general customer service policy for the entire company. A customer service manager should also manage the staff in the customer service and relations department to ensure the success and stability of an organization. The staff should ensure that customers fully understand the customer service policies established by the customer service manager and the organization's management. In order to establish and maintain positive customer relations with an organization, staff should ensure that the developed customer service policies are implemented as needed when managing customer services ("Customer service manager: Job description", 2013).









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As a customer service manager best paper writing service reddit, I will be responsible for a variety of tasks in order to ensure my organization's growth and intense success. These tasks will ensure that our company's customer base grows, increasing sales and market share in a competitive global market. These tasks will also ensure that customer relations are improved, ensuring that our company does not lose customers as a result of avoidable organizational mistakes. As a customer service manager, one of my responsibilities would be to plan and implement regular and weekly meetings with various members of my department. Such meetings are likely to ensure the clarification of any arising issues, as well as the resolution of any problems in the implementation of customer service policies. The meetings can also be used to issue additional communication regarding the implementation of customer service policies in order to establish favorable customer relations with our company's employees. Another task as a customer service manager would be to participate in team work initiatives with members of my department in order to ensure support and cooperation among all department staff ("Customer service manager: Job description", 2013).



Becoming a team leader in my department will improve communication between my staff and myself while also increasing efficiency and the successful implementation of company customer service policies. As a result, as a customer service manager, one of my primary responsibilities will be to mentor all employees in my department. Mentoring the staff in my department will ensure that they receive adequate guidance and knowledge in order to perform their tasks and implement the company's policies aimed at establishing customer relations. Mentoring the staff will also contribute to their respective career development, as well as improve their overall work skills and assist them in carrying out customer service tasks efficiently and effectively. My mentoring initiatives will almost certainly increase the overall productivity of all employees in the customer service relations department ("Customer service manager: Job description", 2013).



As a result, as a customer service manager, I will be responsible for conducting assessments of existing and emerging customer needs in order to design effective and innovative policies within my department. Such evaluation will also ensure that the precise products that meet the needs of the customer are focused on, ensuring that our customers are not lost to some of our competitors. As a result, this evaluation will reflect customer satisfaction with our products and services. Another important task that I will undertake as a customer service manager will be the implementation of newer business strategies, such as technological initiatives, in order to ensure smooth and improved customer service relations. Introducing newer and better initiatives will further ensure that our company's customer service relations are of higher quality, resulting in the retention of our valued customers as well as the attraction of new ones from our rivals and business competitors. These are the main responsibilities of the job I'll be doing as a customer service manager for a multinational corporation ("Customer service manager: Job description", 2013).



Compensation benefits are always required by established rules and regulations in order to ensure the general well-being of employees while performing their duties. These benefits range greatly, from those that ensure an employee's welfare while at work to those that focus on an employee's welfare after he or she has left gainful employment. An organization can provide its employees with benefits such as health insurance, which includes vision and dental care, life insurance, and vacation, sick, and personal leave. Other advantages include child care, retirement plan advantages, and even fitness advantages. Unemployment benefits, as well as disability compensation and benefits, are among the benefits and compensations available to employees when they are not working (Massad, 25).



The following compensation and benefits package will be best suited for my dream job of becoming a customer service manager:



Benefit Median Percentage of Total



Base Salary: $2, 0 (68.03%)



Social Security is worth $10,0 at a rate of 3.40 percent.



$6, 0 2.04 percent healthcare



Pension of $10,0 at a rate of 3.40 percent



Bonuses of $30, 0 (10.20%)



Long-term Motives 1.70 percent of $5,0



3.02 percent disability $3, 0



Leave Benefits: $30, 0 (10.20%)



Total: $294, 0 (1%)



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The above-mentioned compensation package is justified for those working as customer service managers essay service reddit






Physiological needs are the most basic human needs, which include oxygen, water, food, and sleep. Other needs besides physiological ones are classified as secondary wants, but they are also necessary for human survival to varying degrees. At any given time, there is a need that should be met in order to supplement the structural framework of the center's management but is not met due to human strains, and thus falls into a sub-category of unmet needs. Some physiological needs may be classified as unmet needs at the center, such as the need for vitamin C and the need to expel carbon dioxide.



Essentially, vitamin C deficiency can cause a variety of health problems, including scurvy infections of the gums, which can derail the central human resource's performance initiative. This can be avoided by eating vitamin C-rich foods like papaya and bell peppers. As a result, the requirement for such vitamin can be met by eating fresh fruits. Carbon dioxide, on the other hand, is a toxic gas at high concentrations. When carbon dioxide is retained in the body, it causes poisoning, which may impair various body processes. As a result, this emphasizes the need to eliminate carbon dioxide, particularly from physiological processes such as respiration, where oxygen is required in exchange for carbon dioxide release (Harbaugh Thomas, 78-79). As a result, the Art Center would be able to improve the living conditions of its residents while also strengthening their mutual outputs.



The need for safety ranks second in the human hierarchy of needs. Safety encompasses both security and other fundamental aspects of individual care. People yearn for a secure existence and stability within their specific contexts of existence. People are frequently preoccupied with the need to be heard. For example, when a person is food secure, he or she becomes more concerned with anxieties and aspects of terror other than hunger and thirst. However, the extent of needs also indicates the best measures to take in order to reduce the level of adversity. Fears and anxiety are the two most significant unmet needs in terms of safety and security. Anxiety essentially refers to the long-awaited sensation of touch for a specific thing or aspect. For example, after a long period of separation, one may feel endogenously anxious to see a friend (Loh Wrathall, et al., 54).



Individual exposure to the desired aspect is repeated and, as a result, resolved in the case of partial resolution (Loh Wrathall, et al., 54). Through exposure to points of interest during normal daily operations, the Center can manipulate and meet human anxiety needs. This can be accomplished inductively by endorsing co-curricular and social activities that improve social relations within the Center.



In comparison to physiological needs reddit best essay writing service that arise from internal body demands, such a need is an exogenous variable. Anxiety can be reduced or eliminated entirely by establishing a direct link between one's thoughts, sight, and the object or aspect of particular interest. For example, if a person is anxious to learn, this particular need can be met by exposing the person to a classroom set up specifically for the person in need. When a person goes through the classroom experience, the previous need or anxiety is either partially or completely resolved.



Fear-induced security needs, on the other hand, can have two or more dimensions. For example, physical security may refer to the fear of committing an act of violence. This may take the form of a violent crew, such as robbers or kidnappers, infiltrating a specific location. In a broader sense, this can be addressed through the use of physical security, such as increased security personnel surveillance. Needs for physical and emotional security enhance psychological satisfaction, which is a key driver of factual progress at the Art Center. On the other hand, such insecurity can be alleviated by the use of physical shelters that act as barriers of entry for intruders, such as sophisticated fencing and fortified walls. As a result, these remedies aid in resolving the need for safety or individual or group security. Finally, the desired outcomes for financial security through established savings plans or insurance policies define a strategic layout of the path taken after employment (Loh Wrathall, et al., 54).



The other level of needs, on the other hand, includes the need for belongings and love. Following the resolution of both physiological and safety needs, other people's concerns must be addressed. This means that someone is cared for by others. This refers to the necessities of a friend's concern, children, and positive relationships with a communal sense. Companionship and social fulfillment, on the other hand, are two unmet needs in this scenario. This implies that a person must be free of both loneliness and social anxiety. The two aspects of unmet need at the Arts Center, loneliness and social anxiety, affect the vigor in operations within the center and thus spell out the extent of progress made at the Center. To alleviate loneliness, one must have general friends as well as a close friend and a good family rapport. When it comes to loneliness, an individual feels especially in need of marriage, family members, and being a part of a specific community. Furthermore, social complements, such as church, a state of brotherhood, and club members, are very important. This implies that people yearn for fulfillment in their social relationships. Social anxiety, on the other hand, is primarily alleviated by identifying with a group or family that forms the individual's social framework (Warren, 61).



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After a sense of belonging and love, individuals have a need for esteem. The two main unmet needs are high esteem and low esteem. Lower esteem refers to the need to respect others, to have dignity, and to recognize social facts. This is a major issue at the Arts Center, which articulates the social relationships among its members and thus promotes interpersonal relationships that are similar to the center's high esteem condition. To counteract low self-esteem, it is necessary to recognize and appreciate other people's social rights (Warren, 72). This implies that despite all of the natural differences that exist between individuals, one appreciates other people in society. High esteem, on the other hand, entails self-appreciation that goes beyond mere limits. This entails developing self-confidence and mastery, as well as exercising freedom of expression and action. The latter resolutions provide a framework for striking a balance between people's perceptions of others and their own selves (Perone Jennifer, 35). In essence, the fulfillment of human needs acts as a psychological determiner of progress in any given precinct, and can thus deter or promote progress in a given area of interest.





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