How to write a novel which is what makes most people they do not have time to?

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The process can look mysterious to people who have never tried to write a book. The process of writing a book isn't very mysterious, though, according to people who have written a lot of books. The two main principles of fiction writing are creativity and discipline. No matter how we



It's important to be an avid reader.

When other people write, they affect people who write too. The books shape the interests we read as kids, and our writing style is often shaped by what we read as kids. Suppose you want to learn how to write at the feet of history's most famous and revered authors, you should read a lot and pay attention.

Make a lot of detailed lists.

Consider your setting and why you're writing. Then, make a list of things you want to include in your book. A single page could be all that is on your checklist. It could also be as big as a book. A useful tool, but not always. They don't want to find out after writing a book that half of what made them want to write in the first place has been left out.

Create good habits.

As soon as you start writing, you will have to balance your work with other things. Setting away time to write every day is an important first step. It doesn't matter when you write. You can write anytime, but stick to it and make it a priority. Have a separate place where you write all the time. If you have the space, this could be your dining room table or even a home office. Having a good story idea isn't worth much if you don't have time to work on it, so make sure you have enough time and space in your life to work on it.

Make the most of the time you have.

Remember where you left off in the story, or make a mental plan for what you want to do in that session before you start writing. Some people want to write 2,000 words every day. Others don't care about word counts and prefer reading, outlining, or researching on different days of the week. Setting daily goals for yourself is a good idea. This will save you from having to stare at a blank page while you write, even though there are practical ways to get over writer's block.

To work together, you need to get to know an editor.

Editors play an essential role in the publishing process. Make sure your work is a good match if it gets enough attention. Having a good editor will help you write better, but having a bad editor will make your writing look bad. You might think about what qualities you look for in a collaborator. Make sure they have good references, look at their previous work, talk about what they expect, and look for a personal connection or close relationship with possible editors. People who have a good relationship with each other help the editing process a lot.

You don't want to put too much pressure on your first draft.

Writing book initial draught should be rapid. The first draught is a mental exercise in jotting down everything. You can always go back and review your work afterward. Avoid using your thesaurus or checking your word count. That way, you know if you used the appropriate word or too many exclamation points. Self-editing is only useful if you have a compelling tale to tell.
