Find the possible solution to allow Chrome to access the network in your firewall or antivirus settings!

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Find the possible solution to allow Chrome to access the network in your firewall or antivirus settings!

Do you often face network issues with your laptop? Or does it often slow down while working? There are chances that it can be a network issue. Also, have you ever read the troubleshooting steps or the suggestions given below the network issues? Many of us don't! However, they can be useful. One of the suggestions says, "allow chrome to access the network in your firewall or antivirus settings." This brings us to the topic for discussion today. Let's get started!

What are firewall and Antivirus software?

A firewall is a device that takes care of the network issues persisting in your PC. Moreover, it manages the network traffic and blocks any threats. It is a filter that monitors the online activity of the recipient.

On the other hand, Antivirus software is a computer program known to check, determine and remove any virus from your computer.

Moreover, it is common for these security devices to block Chrome or another browser to access the network. Now, check out the steps and exceptions that allow Chrome to access the network in firewall or antivirus settings.

Steps to allow Chrome to access the network in your Firewall: Windows

First of all, you need to add Chrome to the Firewall to allow network access:

1. Access the "Run" option by pressing the shortcut "Windows+R."

2. A dialog box will appear at the left bottom. Please type "Control" and press enter.

3. The page will redirect you to the "Control Panel."

4. Once you access the "Control Panel," several icons will appear on the screen.

5. Now, open the System and Security option and open "Windows defender firewall."

6. Press "Allow" as it will let the Firewall access Chrome or any other application.

7. The system permits you to add an application to our Firewall.

8. Choose "Chrome' from the application list, and press Enter to save the changes.

9. Now, try and open Chrome and see if the changes are successfully made or not.

Steps to allow Chrome to access the network in your Antivirus: Windows

Antiviruses are generally third-party applications capable of blocking any website containing cookies, malware, or any other threats. You may install this antivirus software on your computer as it provides security to your system. Now, if any of your important websites are blocked by this antivirus software, please follow the below-given steps to resolve these issues.

1. Launch the "Anti-virus" application you have installed on your computer. 

2. Go to the application's settings and scroll to look for the exclusions option.

3. Once you find the option, all you need is to put the website that the third-party antivirus app has blocked.

Steps to allow Chrome to access the network in your Antivirus or Firewall settings: Macbook

Due to the different software designs and programs, the steps to resolve this issue in Macbook are somewhat different.

1. Go to the system preferences option and access security.

2. Access the firewall tab to unlock the privacy window.

3. Now, type the username and password to access the next firewall window.

4. Start the Firewall to enable the network to access Chrome.

In the end, I hope you find this article worth reading. Thank you for your time. Take care and be safe!
