How to remove security tag from garments and shoes (with/without magnet)?

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How to remove security tag from garments and shoes (with/without magnet)?

When you go out shopping, you barely focus on the checkout point. Without a doubt, everyone out there in the mall desires to pay for the best of best garments, shoes, and other accessories out there. However, have you ever noticed that once in a while, you forget to get your security tag removed while checking out of the store? If yes, then you must be going through a hard time figuring out how to remove security tag
Well! Everyone can make a mistake. Let’s learn how to remove security tag: 
Disclaimer: On this website, using the topic “how to remove security tag” does not mean that we support shoplifting which is a criminal activity and can lead to imprisonment for up to 2 years. This topic is only for explorers to help learn how to remove security tag with/without a magnet, just in case they mistakenly take it home without getting the security tag removed at the store by professionals. 
How to remove security tag? 
To begin with, security tags are widely used to protect the contents of stores from shoplifters because the stores are generally big, and too many people can create a distraction. Thus, whenever you check out and pay for the product/clothing/shoes you purchased at the store, a professional from the store removes the security tag manually. 
Hence, please note that while using any kind of technique to remove security tags at home, we do not guarantee any type of damage to the clothing/shoes. Thus, if you are not willing to take the risk, please go back to the store and get it professionally removed. Also, take receipt of the product as proof of purchase. 
How to remove the security tag with a magnet? 
For the most part, the magnet is one of the easily available secondary devices using which you can remove security tags. To do so, please follow up on the steps mentioned below: 
  • Take a high-powered magnet.
  • Now, take the clothing/shoes with a security tag on them. 
  • You will notice that there is a magnetic part of the security tag.
  • Please hold the magnetic part of the security tag and magnet together. 
  • As a result, the security tag will slightly open up. 
  • To open it entirely, please use a small pin in order to protect security tag magnets from sticking together again. 
How to remove the security tag without a magnet? 
It can generally be challenging to find a high-powered magnet at disposal at home. And of course, you can wait for it to be delivered online. Or, go out again to purchase a magnet that will cost you another $10. But, in this method, you only need a thin but strong quality rubber band. What to do next? Here are the instructions: 
  • First of all, carefully hold the content (clothing/shoes) in your hand, specifically, the part with the security tag.
  • Now, slowly, start sliding the rubber band around the security tag (under its shell).
  • Once you have placed a rubber band around it, try to pull it from the other side. 
  • It will allow you to loosen the grasp between both magnets of the security tag (inside).
  • After 4-5 pushes, the security tag will come apart. 
We hope that this concise guide has assisted you learn at best. To protect clothing/shoes/products from any type of damage, please take it back to the store and get the security tag removed professionally. Thank you. 