Why is it hard to resist food?

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Foodies Mania is an online fast food setup that delivers you unforgettable taste at reasonably affordable prices. As one of the most thriving eateries, Foodies Mania has always come up with hygienic, healthy, and nutritional approaches to satisfy our customers' standards along with t


You know that we are foodies and we love food, but what if the food that we are eating is not putting us on a good deal. We are supposed to avoid such food items and yet we cannot even resist them when they are present in front of us. Why is that? Let’s find out!

As human beings, we need food to survive and for food to be good, we need human beings to classify. For instance, if someone is suffering from diabetes, he or she should not eat a large sum of sugar in their daily food intake, right? But, why do we find most of such masses craving for sugar as they are seeking for an opportunity to get their lives right. It’s funny how we humans are living our lives up without considering the consequences of our actions.

Right now, if you ask me to resist pasta and put a pasta near me, and if I am able to resist it I can win up to ten thousand grands of US dollars. What do you think I will do? Of course, it’s my life and I will do what I want. But, surprisingly, all human beings will make the same decision here. Yes, we will resist it for some time but eventually end up eating all the pasta on the platter. That is why eateries are now providing pasta near me delivery services all over Karachi to grip on masses’ thoughts.

So, let’s get back to our topic after this much of experiencing words. So, why do you think that we human beings cannot resist food? You see, we are social animals and we have certain needs that we can go to to get them all filled up. The food is among the topmost hierarchy on this. Just like we cannot resist sensuality of the opposite gender, we could not do that with our favorite type of food.

All human beings have their memories, their own and even the genetics of their ancestors in their DNAs. So, the food that they are having has a lot to do with their ancestors. You see, it is typical in the same family that the people do not like a certain type of item. Yes, it’s true. This is all because of their genetic memories. This crazy stuff in your DNA is one of the prime aspects that makes your resistance fail against certain types of food.

So, what about fast food, what is the deal with it? I am sure it was not even invented in the times of my ancestors. Well, this is not something that one can jump to conclusions. Of course, you have your own memories and the modes of society that make your likes and dislikes more concrete. So, there is no way you should resist food on your own if you haven’t gotten considerable will power. Yes, you heard it right. If you want to back off from your favorite food items, you need to get work on your willpower or join a professional dieting course.

