I get anywhere from 3 hours to 6hrs of rs time during holidays

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I get anywhere from 3 hours to 6hrs of rs time during holidays

The 4 days that followed were holidays , and I was able to OSRS Gold get 4 hours, 3 hours, 2.5hrs and 6hrs in total. A total of 15 and a half hours online. I spent the first day just having fun and trained for the final three days using Slayer. I changed from 65 to 70 atk, and from 25 to 45 slayer.

Did this friend possibly mention what combat level she was when she made all this money? It's a common reaction to all three... It's a he. He demonstrated it to me.. It's not a flims lie. He's now 88cb (same to mine).. If he did it before he even reached lvl 88 the cb just proves that I can easily achieve it.

He'll take me with him the next time he connects.. I'd likely train my str to about 75-80. Perhaps my def would go up to 70 afterwards. While training isn't exactly easy as I'm able to spend about 2 hours a day online. My best choice is to slaughter 300 chickens daily and then bury their remains for 30 yrs to get maximum combat and maxed prayer. But i don't wanna stay waiting until I'm in my late 40s before I can go for an adolescent bandos...

I get anywhere from 3 hours to 6hrs of rs time during holidays (except sundays, when i receive 2 and a half hrs online..) But I rarely receive them since even weekends are working days for me. The last four days were holidays , and i got 4hrs, 3hrs, 2.5hrs and 6hrs respectively. A total of 15 and a half hrs online..

I was playing just for fun. I powertrained the last 3 days using Slayer. I went from 65 to 70 atk and from between 25 and 45 Slayer. Also, he revealed his GP and, in a way, he IS NOT EVEN KIDDING? C'mon, man. You could have made it from Buy RS Gold flipping. Heck, he could have bought gold.
