What Are The Reasons For Ac Not Cooling And Solutions To Fix It

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In this article there are some enchanting solutions to find out where the defect is and how to fix this annoying air conditioner problem permanently.

Modernization and the development of technology have spread their wings to provide comfort and easy livelihood for people all over the world.Millions of people depend on air conditioner to help push through the summer months. As the temperature continues to climb as summer moves forward, homeowners are preparing to fight with it.

People are focused on buying new AC units and dealing with maintenance and repair issues. The lifespan of a home air conditioner differs based on many factors, that are well-maintained and should last  for 10 to 15 years. By regular checkups and repairs  many systems can last even longer.

Have you ever found trouble regarding your air conditioner?

If you are experiencing the hot air blowing instead of cold air in your room? 

If you are experiencing an air conditioner running but not lowering temperature ?


What you least feel on a hot summer day is an air conditioner that may not cool. You may face lots of problems due to the technical issues in Ac particularly during the hot summers . There can be various reasons behind it why your air conditioning system is not working properly. AC not cooling problems may have some technical issues or some non- technical.

Here are some enchanting solutions to find out  where the defect is and how to fix this annoying problem permanently. 

8 Reasosns Why Air Conditioner is not cooling:


  • Dirty or clogged air filter


 Dirt in the AC filters block the passage of cool and warm air  inside the ducts. It could also make the evaporator coil freeze, thus blocking the passage of cool air from the outlet.

Solution: It is advisable to get the AC filter checked by Ac Repair in Kolkata professionals and change it to a new one, if clogged.


  • Incorrect thermostat settings


A thermostat is a sensor that senses the room temperature and hints the compressor to start or stop the cooling cycle. If your air conditioner unit blows out cool air and then lukewarm air then this type of problem occurs.

Solution: Always keep the AC thermostat on “Auto” mode instead of “On” mode. This is a common reason why your AC is not cooling.


  • Dirty coils


If the air conditioner is not cold enough the condenser coils may be dirty and loaded with debris. In an AC, the condenser is like a radiator that dissipates heat (which was removed from the air). 

Solution: Removes odors from ductwork and freshens your air conditioner will work more efficiently. Mix a simple detergent and warm water in a spray bottle or garden sprayer, apply onto the evaporator coils and give it a few minutes to soak in and loosen the dirt and debris. Wipe away any loosened material with a soft brush or cloth and reapply as needed.


  • Faulty motors


If the motor of the fan is either broken or faulty, the outdoor unit will be unable to dissipate heat, thus interfering with the cooling ability of an air conditioning unit.

Solution: This problem of your split or window AC not cooling is best handled only by a professional. You can hire professionals from Ac Repair in Ahmedabad for the same.


  • Low refrigerant level 


                The primary goal of refrigerant is to extract the heat and humidity from the indoor air before it goes outside. An AC has an optimum operating temperature .If the temperature shoots up beyond the optimum temperature limit, the efficiency of the air conditioner goes down. If you have a refrigerant leak, this can result in poor system performance and even a complete unit shutdown.

Solution: It is possible to identify this issue, with signs, such as – hissing or bubbling noises, a buildup of ice on the outside unit. Once identified, call a professional and get this problem sorted.


  • Faulty or damaged compressor


A compressor is the heart of an air conditioning unit Compressor manages the flow of refrigerant between the evaporator and condenser. Therefore, a damaged condenser cannot cool air well enough.

Solution: A damaged compressor needs a replacement. Hire an experienced professional to fix this for you.


  • Insufficient coolant


The coolant circulates through the evaporator coils and cools the air flowing over it and eventually sends cool air into the room. So when the level of this coolant becomes insufficient, the AC fails to cool. 

Solution: At this stage call a PRO for coolant top up and refill.


  • Defective parts


The other possible technical reasons behind AC not cooling can be a faulty run capacitor of the compressor, faulty AC Remote, defective control board, bad thermistor, choked capillary, faulty motor etc.

Solution: Check Your Electrical Wiring, Check Your Ductwork, Or Cointact Split Ac Servicing Professionals to get it inspected.
