With the current price decreases of bandos, it is within my price range

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With the current price decreases of bandos, it is within my price range

With the current price decreases of bandos, it is within my price range. Is it stable with the current prices or OSRS Gold should I take a different look at it? As for range is shortbow the way to go? Are crossbows no longer useful or desirable?

Do you have any suggestions for acquiring a new kinds of weapons? In the moment I'm playing with dual-wield Dscims from the last time I played with this account. Should I get the crush and stab weapons? if so what do you recommend. For Whips, are they still favourable for now?

Also is god staff in general the best for now? Do I need to bother adapting to the magical inability of the mosnters (earth water, fire, air)? Are prayer potions worth the effort/money nowadays considering the nerf to protect against prayers?

A bit of general information: I've heard told Dragonrider sells for half the ge cost... but I'd suggest going for Bandos regardless. It's a steal at the moment. (~6m for the Chestplate and Tassets) Try to build an Slayer Helm, and try to upgrade that to the T70 version, using your Slayer points.

For the question of stab/crush/slash guns Let me show you the ways that weaknesses in monsters are triggered using an illustration. Steel dragons are weak to Water spells. This means you'll have the maximum accuracy with Magic (Water spells in particular.)

Also, if a monster is weak to Cheap RuneScape 2007 Gold Crush such as Jadinkos Crush, that's a sign that melee is the most precise way to attack them, which is why Crush is the best style. Comparatively, Range or Mage will have less accuracy. (Although at higher levels, your gear is generally good enough that there's not much difference.)
