How Diablo 2 Resurrected players find the location of the Claw Viper Temple

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How Diablo 2 Resurrected players find the location of the Claw Viper Temple

As we all know, Diablo 2 Resurrected has enhanced graphics and gameplay tweaks. In addition to old fans, it also attracted a new wave of players. But many new players are very confused about the location of the Claw Viper Temple in the game. If the player is one of those new players who doesn't know the exact location of the temple and can't take the time to explore the big map, don't worry, here's a detailed guide to getting to tricky locations. If you are looking for a site to buy Unique Diablo 2 Resurrected Items, I recommend you MMOWTS.

The Claw Viper Temple is the stronghold of the Claw Viper clan, which is part of ACT-2. Several powerful demons such as the Claw Viper, Salamander, Guardian, and Antiseptic live here. Players in ACT -2 must visit the temple as part of two separate quests, the Tainted Sun and Horadric Staff.

Since there are no signposts where the temple is located, and Snake Valley is adjacent to the Lost City, there are no specific directions or hints. Therefore, locating the Claw Viper Temple is a very tough job. The lack of waypoints can confuse new players and cause them to spend a lot of time taking turns finding remote locations.

To find the location of the Claw Viper Temple, Diablo 2 Resurrected Items players must first teleport to the Lost City using a teleportation point. After teleporting, head northwest of the Lost City, the player can keep the waypoint as a direction reference. Players walking in parallel from the west to the north of the map will make the job a lot easier.

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When walking, players will also need to pay attention to the small cutout on the left side, which will take the player eastwards closer to Snake Valley. After entering Snake Valley, players can find Claw Viper Temple on the right. By the way, players will have a greater advantage in having more unique Diablo 2 Resurrected Items in the game. Therefore, it is very necessary for players to purchase Diablo 2 Resurrected Items from for long-term support.
