What Should you Pay Attention to When Choosing Felt?

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The price gap between felts made of different raw materials is also very large. It is normal for wool felts to be several times or even ten times more expensive than chemical fiber felts. Therefore, you must pay attention to the composition of the fabric when choosing.

What are the felt fabrics?

Many people have heard of this material and may have seen it, but they are not very clear about the material composition of this material. In fact, under normal circumstances, felt products are made of wool, but in some areas, because sheep products are scarce, they may choose to use rabbit hair or other hair instead, but the most common is to use chemical fiber materials instead. Some manufacturers also use wool and polyester blended fabrics to produce felt.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of felt fabrics?

Because this product is generally made of animal hair through bonding, the advantages and disadvantages of felt fabrics are also obvious. Under normal circumstances, this material has very good elasticity and has a good cushioning effect on various impacts; secondly, felt has very, very good warmth retention, and it is used as a building insulation material in many places; However, its ability to resist water and moths is relatively poor, and it is prone to damp and worm growth.

What aspects should be paid attention to when choosing?

The price gap between felts made of different raw materials is also very large. It is normal for wool felts to be several times or even ten times more expensive than chemical fiber felts. Therefore, you must pay attention to the composition of the fabric when choosing.

Taizhou Huangyan Grace Handcrafts Co. Ltd. not only has felt storage baskets but also wood hanger hooks and other products. Welcome to visit our official website.
