Have You Ever Purchased a Hoarder House?

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The above photo is part of the hoarder's houses we purchased. Hundreds (thousands?) of dolls. They were in EVERY room and on both floors. They had only the path to walk on. They also had boxes. and all the other accessories. I have never left that house without a companion. Chucky?

When I first watched the show on television 'Hoarders', I wondered how they found the houses.

After purchasing houses for years, I realize that hoarder homes are everywhere kingdom valley Islamabad location map. Shocking!

The above photo is part of the hoarder's houses we purchased. Hundreds (thousands?) of dolls. They were in EVERY room and on both floors. They had only the path to walk on. They also had boxes. and all the other accessories. I have never left that house without a companion. Chucky?

However, many people have houses filled with items. Sometimes, they're forced out. this woman was pushed into a retirement community due to her sons. Sometimes, I think they're done? There have been several houses where it looks like the sellers went out to run an errand and left all their furniture and clothing are still in place - dresser, kitchen and bathroom cabinets full - closets full - refrigerator full of personal belongings found lying around. Perhaps they just packed a suitcase and left? If you're done, you're done.

How do you, the buyer, get rid of the entire pile of stuff? This can be an enormous cost.

The house we bought had 62 tires within. What? !

I've tried lots of things to make sure I don't have to haul everything in the trash (think expense). There have been "moving" sales, selling to vendors at flea markets ("for only $X amount you'll get everything"), salvation army as well as any donation pick-up source, Craigslist.

One time, I had the house that was full of more substantial items. There was a lot of old, worn furniture that was definitely still usable. I uploaded photos to Craigslist and posted, "FREE. House open from 12 noon to 12:30pm. Come with a truck." I went out and went back by after 1pm. Nothing left but dust. It was fabulous.

Naturally, we have also been to the dump for thousands of dollars emptying houses. We ask sellers about what they plan to leave (and trust them to be honest) then reduce our offer by the estimated costs of cleaning out the home.

Real estate investing is intriguing on many levels. We've also kept some amazing objects that we've left behind. I have a wonderful and stunning piano. One of the buyers texted us after we moved out that he'd left his car in the garage. He also left the signed title on the counter in the kitchen. After my husband had some fun on the bike... We ended up selling it for a lot of money. Again, shocking. Why wasn't the owner able to let it go rather than leave it to us to use? Who knows ? I stopped thinking about the seller years ago.
