How to find a good lawyer

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Are you faced with the need to defend your interests in court and you have to choose: act on your own, involve a lawyer or hire a lawyer?

Are you faced with the need to defend your interests in court and you have to choose: act on your own, involve a lawyer or hire a lawyer?

If you want to save money - arm yourself with books and look for litigation and prepare to lose, because without special education and experience in dealing with courts, you will be unconvincing. Want to know how much is a dog bite lawsuit? Visit our website for more info.

The second option is a lawyer, i.e. a person who has a legal education and works in a private law firm or enterprise, government agencies. If the case is limited to paperwork, legal advice on the profile of the company, then you can limit yourself to the help of a lawyer.

The court needs a lawyer because:

  • the title of lawyer is awarded after passing professional training to work in court and attestation by answering 300 questions from all areas of law;
  • the lawyer is bound by the Rules of Advocate Ethics, i.e. maintains honest, competent and courteous relationships with clients, opponents and referees, so you can expect complete confidentiality;
  • Lawyers have significantly more court experience and tend to specialize in certain types of disputes, which increases the chances of winning a case.

How can you tell a good lawyer from a bad one?

The lawyer is not a magician and he does not “resolve” issues with judges for bribes. I do not advise you to look for lawyers whose offices are located on the territory of the courts. Some believe that this allows you to count on the influence of a lawyer on judges. However, on the contrary, it is the judges who can influence such lawyers. 

You cannot demand from a lawyer, and a lawyer is not entitled to provide guarantees of a favorable resolution of the problem that has arisen with the principal and the case as a whole. There are no guarantees that you will achieve the desired result. A conscientious lawyer always remembers unforeseen circumstances that change the balance of power. Therefore, statements about the unconditional prospect of winning are signs of inexperience, inflated self-esteem, and sometimes dishonesty of a lawyer. You have only one guarantee - the law. The same laws are used by both lawyers and judges. Good lawyer of course an optimist, but proceeds from the worst scenarios for the development of the situation in court. Perhaps this is the only thing that allows him to work on an equal footing with professional judges and opponents, to be convincing, and therefore to prepare in advance complete and exhaustive evidence for his arguments.

How do you find a lawyer? 

The most common ways: through the Internet, through advertisements in the media or through the recommendations of friends and acquaintances. 

How to choose a lawyer? 

A lawyer is your representative, your face in court. Therefore, you yourself should like the lawyer, trust begins with sympathy. A lawyer must also be confident in his statements. Confidence is based on the details of the case. Take a closer look at how the lawyer listens to you and delves into the details, whether he takes anything on faith. Do not hesitate to ask the lawyer about incomprehensible moments, at least in general terms. A lawyer should not dismiss your questions or hide behind legal terms without explaining their meaning.

What questions should a client consider before contacting a lawyer?

  1. State the essence of the problem.
  2. Collect as much as possible all the documents and correspondence on the topic.
  3. Prepare a short story on the history of the problem.
  4. Formulate questions of interest. Among them, do not forget this - what evidence is not enough to win the argument?
  5. Decide on the maximum amount and time that you are willing to spend on solving the problem.

About the price of a good lawyer:

Before you hire a lawyer, you need to make sure that he will not deceive you. To do this, the lawyer must find out everything about your problem and it is better if you are ready to pay for his preliminary examination of your problem. When the lawyer calmly analyzes the circumstances and the available evidence, he will actually be convinced that the jurisprudence is on your side. And if the problem is not started, then the lawyer will take up the protection of your interests, and the cost of the preliminary examination will be included in the preparation of the claim.

Second, make sure that you like the lawyer, that he will adequately and convincingly represent you in court.

And finally, the third is money. The high price of lawyer services ideally means that the client has transferred all legal problems to the lawyer and has acquired harmonious peace of mind. It all depends on the experience, specialization and employment of the lawyer and, of course, on how to negotiate. Therefore, expensive lawyers work for a small fee. But with any fee, the amount of obligations of a lawyer depends on what is written in the agreement with him. A true professional in any case keeps the situation under control. That is why it is so important not to hide anything from the documents and circumstances from the lawyer and to describe in detail the obligations of the parties in the agreement for representation in court. Only in this way will you calm your doubts about the adequacy of the amount of payment for the services of a lawyer.

Do not be deceived yourself and do not let yourself be deceived by legal crooks. Look for good lawyers and be prepared for decent pay for their work.
