Some Very Popular Types of Coffee

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Visit our store to discover five Kona coffee brands of single-origin, 100% pure Kona coffee and beans to experience the rare pleasure of this unique coffee.

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The world is full of coffee lovers but many of them are not sure what coffee type they can drink. You might be amazed to know that coffee is of multiple types all of them taste differently. Well, the difference in the taste of coffee depends on a wide variety of factors, such as how it was roasted, the condition of the environment where it was cultivated, and more. Nevertheless, if you want to know what type of coffee you should try, consider reading this entire write-up. It will introduce you to some very popular coffee types, including Kona coffee, and more! So, without further ado, let’s take a look!

Specialty Coffee

The coffee that scores 80 or more points on a 100-point scale is considered specialty coffee! It’s a term in the coffee industry that describes very high-quality beans that are picked from the best environments. The term was originally used by Erna Knutsen, a Norwegian immigrant who opened her own shop in San Francisco and wanted to provide only the best products to her customers. She named these high-quality beans specialty because they came from "special" places, not just any old place you could get them. Today, specialty coffee has become associated with farms that grow amazing beans that deliver exceptional flavor consistently during roasting. Specialty coffee is considered to be far better than everyday coffee because it's more consistent and therefore more worth your money!

Gourmet Coffee

Gourmet coffee is made with high-quality and flavorful beans like Arabica. It has complementary flavors that make it an exquisite choice, and it’s made to be just the way you would like it. No matter how you choose to enjoy your gourmet coffee – whether in a mug or in your favorite beverage, such as lattes or smoothies, you will get nothing but quality for yourself and those around you who may get to enjoy a cup of gourmet coffee too! This coffee tastes pretty unique and if you love consuming caffeine, this coffee will give you nothing but pleasure! So, you should try it!

Kona Coffee

The Kona coffee belt is exactly one mile away from the ocean, on a hillside within the range of two volcanoes, Hualalai and Mauna Loa. It was planted during the early 1800s on the western slopes of these Hawaiian peaks at an elevation between 500-3,000 feet. If a coffee tree were to grow on any other Hawaiian Island than Kona it would be called Hawaiian Coffee but still considered genuine/authentic coffee. In order for a coffee bean to become 100% pure Kona Coffee, it must be grown only in this very specific microclimate along the Kona mainland coast in Hawaii. It is because here where there is more rainfall and drier regions that add up to create one-of-a-kind of crops harvested with extra love for what could become your next favorite specialty brew! Nevertheless, this place is also quite popular for cultivating the best quality Kona tea!

The Bottom Line

So, these are some very popular coffee types that you should try! Nevertheless, if you want to buy top-notch coffee, you can get in touch with Buddha’s Cup, a renowned coffee producer. You can know more about it by visiting its website; here’s the link:

