How Does Pregnancy Affect Your Dental Health?

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Most people do not seem to take it seriously, but dental health is a very important aspect of your overall health. If you do not care properly about your dental hygiene and any issues that arise with your teeth, it will cause plaque formation in your teeth, in turn leading to tooth decay.

Most people do not seem to take it seriously, but dental health is a very important aspect of your overall health. If you do not care properly about your dental hygiene and any issues that arise with your teeth, it will cause plaque formation in your teeth, in turn leading to tooth decay. This means an increased number of visits to the dentist.

What Does Pregnancy Mean For Your Oral Hygiene?

All parts of your body become highly sensitive during pregnancy, and oral hygiene is no different. The risk of oral health problems increases during pregnancy, and it is imperative to take extra care of oral hygiene for a healthy pregnancy and delivery. If you are facing any issues regarding dental health and need someone to provide treatment for it immediately, contact Emerdency’s emergency Dentist in Birmingham, Manchester, and other parts of the UK.  

Did You Know?

Research suggests that there is a link between gum disease and premature babies. It is thought that every 18 out of 100 premature births are due to severe gum disease. If you have gum disease during pregnancy and reside anywhere near Manchester and Birmingham, our Emergency dentists will see you on an immediate basis and help solve and deal with the issues you have presented with. 

Effects Of Pregnancy On Your Dental Health

Pregnancy has a lot of different effects on your gums and teeth. Here are a few:

Increased Level Of Hormones 

During pregnancy, your body is producing an excess level of hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone. The different hormonal changes increase the acidity in the mouth, which can increase the chances of cavities.

Changes In Eating Habits

If you are pregnant or have been pregnant, you may very well be aware of the intense pregnancy cravings. Sugar intake is usually increased, especially in the first trimester. It is very hard to control your cravings due to the hormonal changes in your body. Excess fast food or sugars may cause increased tooth decay and tooth problems. 

Temporary Loosening Of Mouth Ligaments

We are not sure of how or why this happens, but ligaments in the mouth usually become loose during pregnancy. Teeth may start to wiggle a little or you may feel them less firm than usual. Do not worry, this will not cause your teeth to fall off, but can certainly be a little uncomfortable. 

The Body’s Inflammatory Response Becomes More Pronounced

During pregnancy, especially in the third trimester, the body’s inflammation response becomes more pronounced, resulting in an increased number of bacteria and plaque getting stuck in the teeth. All of this material toxic to the teeth may release harmful toxins causing severe gum disease and gum bleeding. 

Decreased Oral Hygiene

Oral hygiene usually decreases during pregnancy. With so many changes to the body, it becomes harder to take care of oral health the same way as before. 

Due to gum swelling, loosening of the teeth and easy gum bleeding, many women become more conscious and sceptical of l brushing the teeth twice a day to avoid the pain and increased sensitivity.

How Can You Prevent Dental Problems During Pregnancy?

Brush Brush Brush!

That's it. KEEP BRUSHING. This is the best advice and recommendation anyone could give you. We know it's a hassle, especially if it is your first pregnancy or a tough one. But brushing is the solution to avoiding problems relating to oral hygiene.

It is recommended you brush your teeth twice a day and use fluoride toothpaste. You should floss once a day too. This will help remove any plaque stuck between your teeth and keep them healthy and shining. 

Visit A Dentist Regularly

We know it's not easy getting out of the house, but we would recommend you make regular visits to the dentist. This will help prevent any teeth problems or diagnose if any occurs in the early stages.

Eat Healthily

You cannot fully avoid your sugar cravings and we understand. However, we would recommend you eat healthily and avoid fatty foods and sugars as much as you can. 

Need Emergency Dentist Services In The UK?

Do you need to visit a dentist immediately? Our Emergency dentists in Manchester and Birmingham are one of the best there is and will deal with all your problems effectively. Visit us ASAP!
