Alexandrite: The June Birthstone

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Buy real & natural alexandrite gemstone, June month birthstone, Russian & Brazilian Alexandrite stone online in blue, green, purple and more color & types at best price.

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When it comes to the birthstones that belong to the ones born in June, alexandrite is the rarest and the most expensive. This gemstone is known for its color-changing ability and an umpteen number of benefits. It appears emerald green in daylight and ruby red in incandescent light which makes it different from other gemstones found on Earth's crust. June is the June Birthstone Alexandrite and it is easily available at some jewelry stores that specialize in the sales of rare gemstones. In this article, we're going to discuss the gemstone's origin and its benefits.

The History

Alexandrite was discovered in the year 1830 when a Finnish mineralist mistook it for emerald because of its color. He was later surprised by the fact that the gemstone changed its color when it was exposed to a different source of light. Alexandrite was named after Russia’s Alexander II as it was discovered on his birthday.  Alexandrite is a rare variety of the mineral chrysoberyl as it changes its color from red to green depending on the type of light in which it is viewed. This phenomenon is known as the “alexandrite effect” and you'll be surprised to know that the Ural region of Russia is not the largest producer of alexandrite. You can get the pure form of its gemstone in some parts of Africa, Brazil, and Sri Lanka.

Healing Benefits Of Alexandrite

From ancient times, Alexandrite was known as an amulet against bad dreams, a talisman that provides protection from another person’s ill-will, and a source of rescue in moments of danger. It can give you courage when life seems overwhelming and it attracts success. This gem gives one protection against the fear of any negativism in business or personal relationships. You will be saved from the suitability of potential partners, workers, and colleagues if you wear it regularly or carry it on you every day. Your business will flourish quickly and your employee morale will be high.

Metaphysical Benefits Of Alexandrite

It is believed that wearing a gemstone made of alexandrite will bring a lot of joy to you. A gemstone's ability to influence your life force is called its 'Chakra Qualities'. Alexandrite radiates happy energy, bringing joy and just-right vibrations. It carries the power of balancing the Heart Chakra, which gives it its capacity of instilling an attitude in which you are able to feel grateful for everything that happens to you in your life. This can lend you a new outlook on life in general: through calm goodwill that comes from having gratitude for every small thing, you will find yourself surrounded by beautiful things constantly, whether they're things that come into your possession or people who surround you.

If you want to buy an alexandrite pendant or any other jewelry item made from alexandrite, you can consider With more than four decades of experience in gemstones, they can give you any kind of information related to this gemstone or sapphires as well. You can also get a customized jewelry item.

