What is ethical hacking, and why are individuals interested in taking this course?

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Dear Sir or Madam, ethical hacking is the same as hacking.

The difference is that in illegal hacking, the hacker penetrates or gains access to a system legally with permission to find vulnerabilities (weaknesses) to make it more secure, whereas in ethical hacking, the hacker penetrates or gains access to a system legally with permission to find vulnerabilities (weaknesses) to make it more secure.
Organizations and governments engage ethical hackers to take advantage of the flaws. As a result, the essential steps must be made to address those flaws.
People enrol in this course because there is a demand for cyber security specialists in the market. Second, people do it to expand their knowledge and because they are interested in it. When you've got When you have ethical hacking expertise and knowledge, there are numerous opportunities available from a carrier standpoint. Learn Ethical Hacking Training and get successful

The locksmith can work on a key to open any locks in his home, after all, it’s his home. He can do whatever he wants with his locks. If you hire a locksmith to change the locks in your home, or to gain entrance to your home because you locked yourself out, he’s also doing nothing illegal: you hired him to do it and you gave him express permission to enter your property, he’s not trespassing or anything.
