What Is The Best Season To Plant Trees?

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Now you can buy almost any plant online across Pakistan in major cities including Lahore, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Karachi, and many more. Delivery Service Areas. Karachi Plants provides a wide assortment of natural plants and accessories on the market in Karachi, Pakistan.

Top dressing viburnum

Since viburnum often has to be watered, it is advisable to apply top dressing in a dry form - scatter around the trunk circle before watering. The first top dressing is applied in the spring when the leaves begin to bloom: 2 tablespoons of urea are scattered under each viburnum bush (this is if you did not spray the viburnum with urea over the sleeping buds). The second top dressing, potash, Buy indoor plants in Karachi, is advisable to make before flowering: under each bush, they scatter a half-liter jar of wood ash or 2 tablespoons of potassium sulfate. The third top dressing of viburnum will be required after flowering: 2 tablespoons of Nitroammophoska are scattered under each bush.

The last top dressing is needed only if you do not begin to mulch the near-stem circle of viburnum for the winter with organic matter, and it consists of two buckets of a solution of this composition: 2 tablespoons of potassium sulfate and 2 tablespoons of superphosphate, dissolved in 10 liters of water.

When to prune viburnum

Like other garden trees and shrubs, it is better to cut the viburnum in the spring, before the start of sap flow. You can cut it in the fall, at the end of the leaf fall, but since it is difficult to know for sure when the frosts will strike, it is better to carry out serious pruning (rejuvenating or shaping) in the spring, and in the fall it is worth cutting the viburnum only for sanitary purposes.

Pruning viburnum in the spring

In nature, viburnum grows like a tree or in the form of a bush, and so it is formed - a bush or a tree. In the spring, before the start of sap flow, they carry out sanitary and then formative pruning of the viburnum: if you want the viburnum to grow as a tree, leave one vertical branch, and cut the rest into a ring, and remove the buds in the lower part of the stem where the bole is planned. The trunk is taken out for 2-3 years, and when it reaches a height of 1.5-2 m, the growth point is pinched to stimulate branching. All this time you will have to remove the root shoots, otherwise, you will have a bush. Keep the bole clean by removing the resulting side shoots.

Whether you form a tree or let the viburnum grow as a bush, Plants suitable for Karachi, you need to cut the plant in any case, because with age, its crown will thicken and grow, and it will be more and more difficult for you to remove berries from it, and the quality of the fruits will begin to deteriorate over time, and the number will decrease. Remove rival branches and shoots, as well as those growing inside the bush or in the wrong direction. When the time comes to rejuvenate the bush, cut off a third of the old branches, and leave the most developed shoots from the root shoots, which will eventually replace the removed old branches. The next year, replace another third of the old branches, and in the third year, replace the last third. Rejuvenating pruning of viburnum, shaped like a tree, is carried out according to the same scheme as similar pruning of fruit trees.

Pruning viburnum in autumn

After the end of leaf fall, when the viburnum sinks into a state of dormancy, it is sanitarily pruned - broken, dry, diseased, or pest-affected branches and shoots are removed. Sections thicker than 7 mm are treated with garden pitch. Choose a dry, avocado Plant, on a warm day for this procedure.

How to propagate viburnum

Viburnum is propagated by seeds and vegetatively - cuttings, avocado Plant, horizontal and vertical layering, and basal processes. Seed propagation is hampered by the fact that the seeds germinate within two years. The simplest and least time-consuming method of propagating viburnum with vertical layering.

Propagation of viburnum seeds

In order to accelerate the germination of viburnum seeds, they need to be subjected to pre-sowing treatment. Freshly harvested seeds are stacked with nylon stockings with wet sawdust and stored at room temperature for two months, and when they begin to germinate, they are placed in the bottom drawer of the refrigerator for a month, after which they are sown to a depth of 3-4 cm in boxes and wait for germination. In the spring, after the return frosts have passed, the seedlings are planted in open ground, watered abundantly, and shaded from direct sunlight for the first time.

Propagation of viburnum by vertical layering

In autumn, the lower branches of young plants are shortened on the viburnum, leaving only 2-4 buds on them, and the stem is highly spudded. When in the spring the shoots from these buds grow by 8-10 cm, Air purifying plants in Karachi, are spudded again to a height of 4-5 cm. When the shoots stretch to 20-30 cm, they are dug up, pulled at the base with copper wire, and again spudded to a third of the height. After a couple of weeks, another hilling is carried out. By autumn, the shoots are dug up, separated and transplanted to a permanent place.
