Hunting camps or cabins can be rugged. Getting back to nature is part of the fun. They should also have the right supplies to keep you safe and comfortable. Some of the most helpful gear you can have is solar powered. The sun is always going to be there to give you power. So be sure to stock up on emergency food and pick up a solar panel generator and these other essentials for your camp or cabin.
Stock Up on Emergency Food
Emergency food is perfect for a hunting camp or fishing cabin. It is easy to prepare, and some of the best survival food can last for up to 25 years. The right emergency food can also be quite tasty. You can buy survival food kits that will last from a few days to a year. Stocking up on 3 months' worth of survival food is a safe choice for your camp or cabin.
Some Solar Flashlights
Food, water, and light are 3 of the most important things your cabin or camp should have. With a trustworthy supply of quality solar flashlights, you can be sure you’ve got light. You can charge solar flashlights thousands of times with the sun. You never have to worry about running out of batteries. You also don’t have to rely on a fire hazard like candles.
Stay Charged with a Solar Generator
Power outages and blackouts are more likely in rural areas. That’s why it makes sense to pick up a solar generator for your fishing cabin or hunting camp. A high-quality solar generator can power everything from your cell phone to some appliances. They make the perfect emergency power option.
Boil Water with a Solar Kettle
You may need to boil water to purify it or to make coffee or tea. Many survival foods also require boiled water to prepare. If the power goes out at your cabin or camp, you can still boil water with a solar kettle. A good solar kettle will boil water in less than an hour. Plus, solar kettles can be used to cook soup, brats, and even more.
A Water Store and Personal Water Filter
There is nothing more important than having access to a supply of safe water at your camp or cabin. Find a survival or preparation company that carries a water brick storage system that includes a spigot. Water brick storage makes moving, storing, and accessing water easy in an emergency.
An Arc Lighter
Having a fire at your camp or cabin can make you more comfortable. It can also be crucial for your safety. If you lose power during a winter storm, you may need a fire to stay warm, boil water, and cook food. Be sure that you always have the ability to start a fire with a waterproof arc lighter.
About 4Patriots
4Patriots has everything you need to prepare for emergencies and natural disasters. In fact, the brand was founded to help everyday people solve real problems. Allen and Erin Baler created 4Patriots at their kitchen table in Nashville, Tennessee. Now, they employ over 190 people. 4Patriots offers a wide range of survival gear, from emergency food kits to a solar generator. All their products are built to last, so you can depend on them when you need them most. 4Patriots hold themselves to a standard of dependable quality. They also focus on giving back to the community. 4Patriots supports the American military, veterans, and their families with their “$1K a Day” pledge in 2022. 4Patriots is more than just a company. They are a family committed to keeping you prepared for emergencies. Don’t get caught off guard. Use 4Patriots to prepare for anything that might come your way.
Stock up on everything you need for your cabin or camp at
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