Emma Sykes Notary Public

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This is my professional duty as a Notary Public and also an essential part of the Anti-Money Laundering Regulations and other legislation.

Emma Sykes Notary Public

Before I can carry out any work for you I have to formally identify you.

This is my professional duty as a Notary Public and also an essential part of the Anti-Money Laundering Regulations and other legislation.

I will need to see one of the following documents (in order of preference):-

  • Current passport
  • Driving licence with photo
  • UK government or police issue certificate bearing a photo or other means of identification
  • Identity Card (EEA states)

I also need proof of your address. This can be satisfied by production of the driving licence original or one of the following original additional documents (not copies from internet) showing your current address:-

  • Utility bill - not a mobile phone account
  • Bank statement - not a credit card bill
  • Council Tax bill

The first two items above in proof of address should not be more than three months old.

When I am instructed by a company or other body I will also need (in addition to the above documentation for each signatory) to see originals of the following:-

  • Evidence of identity of the authorised signatory (as listed above)
  • A copy of the current letterhead (showing the registered office if it is a company)
  • A Letter of Authority, Minute, Resolution or Power of Attorney authorising you to sign the document

In addition for companies: Certificate of Incopororation and of any Change of Name, a copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association, Details of Directors and Secretaries. In all instances I will be carrying out company searches, which may have an effect on the level of fees charged.

In addition for partnerships, clubs etc: A Partnership Agreement; or relevant Trust Deed; or Charter, or Constitution/Rules.


